Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothing New

I guess I kind of expected I would be updating this blog every day - and I felt like I had nothing new to say today.  And that's because I don't.

I finished my first project kind of earlier than I expected, and since I don't have a new project going until Saturday, it's been quiet here on this little blog o' mine.  I suspect that will change soon enough when I am knee deep in 4 new projects this next coming month, all not as easy as tackling a closet.  Then, I will have updates every day!

Since, I am not giving myself a deadline to finish each project, just a reasonable amount of time and this blog holding me to it, I think life will get crazy enough, soon enough.  

So, I will enjoy this calm before the crazy starts.  Mike has pneumonia, we found out today - and that is enough of a project!    

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Project Update: Bedroom Closet

Status: Finished
Cleaned, but not Organized 

I was surrounded by a sea of clothes, and just as the rolling waves in the real ocean would make me nauseous, so did the HUGE pile of clothes that do not fit me.  Sickening, but good motivation to reclaim my wardrobe.  Especially since I cannot afford new clothes right now and for a while to come!

But, due to the sheer volume of clothes I have acquired over the years, I would have lost my bet. I have more clothes than I thought left to fill my closet and dresser.

Here are the after pics:
  • I hung my very seldomly used skirts on the back wall so as not to use up precious hanger space:
  • I limited myself to three seldom used sweatshirts on each pile on top, since I could not reach any higher.  
  • I wonder what I can do with that extra space?
  • I also made sure things I use every day, like my running shoes, are extremely accessible.
  • Finished product (dresser is finished too, but no pics):

Dresser is now organized into short sleeved shirts (all long sleeved are hanging), often used sweatshirts, PJs, exercise shirts, shorts and capris, underwear and socks. I still have a lot of stuff (who knew?  The answer is...Mike), but it all fits now, no overflow.  The key here was to get rid of my excess, and I had it lucky - my excess didn't fit, so out it went! 

I feel good!

My shoes are now in a shoe organizer, one that was already there, but I was not using efficiently.

The one problem:  This is not "Hurricane Cheryle"-proof.  It can go back to the way it was at any time if I lose my diligence.  Which happens all the time.  So, I would consider this cleaned, but not yet fully organized.  I still need a way to make it "mistake proof."    

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Project Start: Bedroom Closet

I am officially starting today with my first project.  Well, I am also officially 4 weeks behind.  

That means I will have to sneak in 4 "extra" projects over the next 48 weeks. 

Gotta start somewhere, so first project:

Organize Bedroom Closet.  This entails going through all of the clothes that are currently residing in my closet and my 4 drawer dresser...and being HONEST.  

That might be the hardest part, I think.  

I need to try on every.single.thing.  And figure out if it goes in the "Long Way To Go" Tote, the "Soon Will Fit" Tote, or can actually go back into my closet.  If I were a wagerin' type of girl, I would bet whatever paycheck I used to earn that I will have little left in my closet.  And this is how it starts out:

Yes, a nightmare.  A small child could get lost in there.  A serious hazard that I could probably get a fine for.  I'm serious here!  Nothing got worn or cleaned because it never got found. The pile just continued to grow...

  • Keep only the clothes I can actually wear and feel comfortable in.
  • Hang the hangables.
  • Fold the foldables.
  • Organize jewelry and shoes and scarves.
  • Be able to use my laundry basket for laundry again - yahoo!
  • Find a way to keep it that way with my "Hurricane Cheryle" disposition

No money.  Very little time.  Get Creative.


Monday, January 19, 2009

The What and The Why

What is this endeavor?

A motivational blog to help me to fix what is broken in my life.  I define "broken" as anything that I am unhappy with in my life and am resolved to change. Parts of every single aspect of my life can always be improved upon, but I will start with the most broken and go from there! 

No money.  Very little time.  I am a SAHM to toddler triplets.  That's the challenge!  No money, very little time.   

Call it a 2009 Bucket List, and you can see the ever-growing Fix List here. 

I will pick a "Project" every week and start "fixing" it.  It may take a year, it may take a few weeks, some may be done in just one day!  But I will have many projects going on at once and I will be posting pictures, progress and completion pretty much every day.  Major projects might have mini-projects or "baby steps" I have to complete in order to get to my goal.  I will include links to my favorite inspirational blogs/sites and also recipes, exercise regimens, valuable information learned, motivation - basically step-by-step instructions for how I got there.  

If you have joined me in my journey, please feel free to leave comments on how this is/isn't motivating you, if you have a tip for me or other readers to share about each project or you just have something to say!      

Why are you doing this?

I feel like many things in my life need to change.  I woke up one day and said - "Enough!"  I am tired of all the clutter, the unfinished projects, of being fat and unhealthy, of taking life's blows and rolling over.  I am tired of being reactive to the cards that life deals me and the proactive part of me is finally kickin' in and taking over.  I am tired of saying to myself that "Someday" I will change this or that.  I want someday to be today, now! 

Hopefully this year will teach me great patience, creativity, endurance and strength in many things.  I hope to emerge a better person for having forced these changes on myself - the person I have always wanted to be.  Above all, I hope to be proud of myself after this year is over and ready to start it all over again.  An overhaul a year - and better, every day.  A better Wife, Mom, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Photographer, Writer, Philanthropist, Catholic....Person.  We are all put here for a reason, and I'd like to be in the best place to find out what my purpose is, the best shape to do what it is I am here to do, whether that be motherhood, marriage or something more specific - I want to be ready and able.   

Change is coming!  I can no longer sit by and watch my life not be the way I want it to be.  Everyone wakes up at some point in their life and says to themselves, “Today is the day I change it.”  Everyone wakes up and is disgusted either with themselves or their life, unhappy with where they have ended up – and it is not your childrens’ fault, or your husband, or your job.  It is up to you to fix what is broken in your life – as Mahatma Gandhi so eloquently put and as President Barack Obama motivates with – “Be the Change you want to see in the world.”   

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Fix List

Write a book about Life With Triplets
Create a Memoir for Ruger
Go Live with Fetching Prints

Lose 50 pounds
Learn how to eat right with PCOS
Eat more organic and natural foods (without paying much more than we are now)
Determine if Muscle Repair is necessary

10th Anniversary Trip Plan

Bedroom Headboard
Bedroom Shelves
Bedroom Canopy 
Bedroom Decor
Bedroom Closet and Dresser Organization

Bathroom Towel Bars
Bathroom Storage
Bathroom Decor
Bathroom Toilet Paper Roll!
Bathroom Stained Glass Panel

Living Room Repaint and Decor
Wall Collage
Canvas Pictures for Collage

General House Decor/Fixes that need to be done

Kids' Nursery
Kids' Playroom
Kids' Storage Area

Help Braden to Walk on his own

Learn more Sign Language to teach the Kids

Create a plan for Meals
Organize a database of recipes, new and old

Home Office/My Desk Organization

Reclaim my Marriage - Save our Dates

Be a Better PenPal
Be a Better Friend
Be a Better Sister/Family Member

Practice Pay It Forward/RAK
Give More

Sell My Excess Crap

Create a Memory Box/Scrapbook for each of the Kids
Finish Baby Books

Organize Garage

All aspects of Garden Design - Ruger's Retreat
Create 2 signs for Garden
Create memorial for Ruger (Laser and Mosaics)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Story

I am a 32 year old Stay-At-Home-Mom to toddler triplets.  They were born in April of 2007 and they are the meaning of my being at this moment.  Them and my wonderful husband, Mike, of 10 years.  Alexandria, Braden and Cole are the cause and the opportunity for this endeavor because they create so much that needs to be done!  

I have projects that I had started a few years ago, before the triplets were even a thought, and the ensuing 2 1/2 years have been...busy.  Too busy to make any forward progress, we've just been treading water.  We are only now starting to feel like we have a little control over our lives and have realized just how much has become broken over time.  We need this rejuvenation, this overhaul, this makeover.  We need things to change.  

"Groundhog Day", as we either endearingly or resentfully refer to our lives, depending on the day, has to change.  We live our lives in a relentless loop, the same thing over and over and over - reacting to each day's similar challenges.  We need to become proactive as we enter this new period of our lives - because we want more from it!  We don't want to settle for being reactive. Then we will never get anything we want out of life, only what life wants us to get.

This journey is to save what we can, discard what we don't need and to learn to move on.  We want to be in the position to help others again, not just wallow selfishly in our current situation. We want our family to be the best it can be - and it all starts here, in one place, to document, motivate and complete our Life Projects, ranging all the way from fixing the bathroom to fixing our marriage.  We want it all!  ;)